
Damage Control Team | Apply now through January 17
Ingalls is now accepting applications from current shipbuilders who are interested in serving in a temporary Damage Control position for upcoming sea trials. Applications will be accepted through January 17.
Shipbuilder Spotlight | Information Technology produces START app
In today's fast-paced work environment, time efficiency is crucial for keeping operations running smoothly. To enhance timekeeping, the Information Technology (IT) team launched the START app, reducing kiosk lines and allows shipbuilders to begin their shifts with assistance from their foreman. The START app, available to foremen, provides a tool to help crews with timekeeping.
VIDEO | A Message from Ingalls President Brian Blanchette
Desplázate hacia abajo para leer este mensaje en español.

Shipbuilder Spotlights

Shipbuilder Spotlight | Bay Foremen
It takes a village to keep the workflow of the shipyard steady. From assisting with maintenance and management to supporting events, bay foremen serve as the Swiss Army knives of the shipyard.
Shipbuilder Spotlight | Brandon House & Gatric Thompson
The Ingalls Apprentice School is one of the key ways Ingalls invests in the future of shipbuilding. In honor of National Apprenticeship Week, which was November 17-23, we sat down with electrical apprentice Brandon House and pipe insulator apprentice Gatric Thompson. Both are currently progressing through the program, and their passion, drive and commitment are a testament to the strength of our workforce. Here's a look at their journeys and what inspires them to build the future of our industry.
Shipbuilders in the Spotlight | Leadership Jackson County
Congratulations to Joel Myers, manager, Engineering, and Stephanie Dambrino, manager, Trade Shows & Special Events, on graduating as part of the Leadership Jackson County Class of 2024.