Zero Injuries | How to properly wear PPE

Written on 09/19/2024
Ingalls Communications

Help us create a workplace where Zero Injuries are not just a goal but a reality. Properly wearing PPE is crucial to help keep you and your fellow shipbuilders safe. 

  • Ensure your hard hat fits snugly and is securely fastened at all times to protect against head injuries from falling objects
  • Face coverings can only be worn while working in production areas and must be removed during breaks
  • Earplugs or earmuffs should be worn correctly to protect against noise hazards, ensuring they create a proper seal
  • Steel-toe protective footwear must fit well and be worn inside the shipyard

Wearing PPE correctly not only protects you but also contributes to our collective goal of a safe workplace. Together, let's prioritize safety every day.

For more guidelines on Proper Protective Equipment (PPE), please see Command Media SSG K0200 or the Ingalls Employee Environmental Health & Safety Handbook.

Zero Fires. Zero Damages. Zero Injuries. Zero Compromise.