Shipbuilder Spotlight | Vervina Bazzel, Structural Welder

Written on 05/15/2024
Ingalls Communications

Making a good living may be one reason to become a shipbuilder but for structural welder Vervina Bazzel, it’s not the only reason. What started as a way to provide for her family, quickly turned into serving a purpose with her favorite people in the shipyard. 


Growing up in the Philippines, Vervina always pictured a financially stable life for herself. After hearing from friends who worked in the shipyard, she decided to give Ingalls a try. 


“I have some friends who work here,” said Vervina. “I know they make a decent living but I was always curious why they loved this place so much.”

As a first-class structural welder, all of Vervina’s welds meet the first time standards of an Ingalls shipbuilder. She understands the quality of her work directly impacts those who serve on our warships. 

“I represent the company's image through the efficiency of my work,” said Vervina. “The best feeling is seeing the final product of our work on its way to protect our freedom.” 

Vervina quickly realized why she wanted her to become a shipbuilder. Now, seven years later, she not only appreciates the work she does but the other shipbuilders she works with.

“I work in an awesome environment that allows shipbuilders to be themselves,” said Vervina. “I love helping people and watching them find their way towards success.” 

As she continues her career, Vervina wants to show others anything is possible with hard work. Ingalls is a place full of opportunities, especially for those who are dedicated to our mission and purpose. 

“I love this place because a shipbuilder from any race or gender or background can achieve great things,” said Vervina. “I’m proud to work for a company that doesn’t care where you came from, but cares about where you’re headed in your career.”

Ingalls is committed to attracting diverse talent and strives to develop every shipbuilder to help them be successful. When we feel respected and supported, we are able to do our best work. By celebrating diversity in the workplace, spreading awareness about things that matter to you and encouraging advocacy, we ensure that every shipbuilder’s voice is heard and that we all have a place to BELONG.