To view the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct guide click here
The purpose of the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is to provide officers, members of the Board of Directors, and employees with guidelines for making ethical decisions in the conduct of their work.
The Code is a set of core values, standards and behaviors within the organization that guide employees’ commitment to the highest ethical standards. Abiding by these standards and strictly observing all U.S. and foreign laws and regulations are not only legal requirements, but also ethical obligations for all of us at HII. The Code does not cover every legal or ethical question you may face at HII. The Code contains the general standards of conduct that have always been and continue to be expected of all of us at HII.
Remember, when confronted with ethical uncertainty, you should seek advice from your supervisor, manager, Business Conduct Officer (BCO), Human Resources, Labor Relations, Law Department, or call the OpenLine (1-877-631-0020) to ensure all actions you take on behalf of the company honor this commitment. Behavior consistent with the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is one of our most important workplace responsibilities whether we are working onsite, remotely, or while on business travel. We have set high ethical standards.
The Code applies to everyone: officers, members of the Board of Directors, and all employees regardless of position or level of responsibility. The Code also applies to non-employees who act on the company’s behalf in any capacity. We are all responsible for the integrity and consequences of our actions. Company policies, procedures and publications on ethics, the ethics website, the HII ethics and compliance app and your local BCO can provide further information on our expectations and answers to your questions regarding ethical standards.