Vulnerability is a great strength. Opening up to your team encourages them to open up, which fosters greater trust and authenticity and creates more meaningful workplace relationships. In fact, trust is the most important ingredient for a high-functioning team, because when people can provide honest feedback, the whole team benefits. The Ingalls Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) team have put together some tips and advice on being more vulnerable to help your overall well-being.
Bottling up your stress only makes it worse and it's harmful to your health. If you open up, you might be surprised at how much your fellow team-members care about you and want to support you. Exhibiting vulnerability requires a high level of emotional intelligence and humility, which means you'll need to get comfortable with admitting to your mistakes and weaknesses.
The good news is there's always a way to practice being more vulnerable. Here are a few ideas:
Open up about who you are as a person. A good starting point is to talk about your life outside of work. Humanizing yourself gives people a chance to connect with you on a personal level.
Be more honest about how you're feeling. Don't just say what you think people want to hear. If you are stressed or anxious about the latest work project, tell your team, and then take the opportunity to get their feelings on the situation, as well as their ideas for how to move forward.
Ask for help. Whether you're struggling with work or dealing with a personal issue, asking for your employees for support doesn't just take some of the burden off your shoulders, it will also make them feel a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.
At the end of the day, we all need someone to lean on when things get tough. Don't be afraid of being vulnerable. You'll have to find the right balance between openness and professionalism, but with practice, you'll get there and you and your team and your business will benefit.
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