Shipbuilder Spotlight | Joyce Morgan, Shipfitter, Hull

Written on 02/29/2024
Ingalls Communications

Shipfitter Joyce Morgan has enjoyed every single moment of her 25 years in the Hull department, but her ties to the shipyard starts way before she started her career. 


“Both of my parents worked here, and my father was one of the first 12 African American shipbuilders to get hired in the shipyard,” said Joyce. 


Joyce, along with six of her siblings, were inspired by her parents to work at Ingalls. 


“It’s funny to think how everyone in our family owned a pair of steel toes at some point.”


Joyce is responsible for making sure shipbuilders get the material they need to build world-class ships. From helping with the ins and outs to guiding people through the gates, she also helps new shipbuilders get acclimated to the shipyard. 


“I love everything about the Hull department. That’s why I've been here for so long,” said Joyce. “Everyone who I work with is like family to me. And when they need me, they know they can count on Miss Joyce.”


This positive mindset was fostered by Joyce’s mentors in the shipyard. Early on in her career, she was hesitant about joining Ingalls at an older age. Because of her mentors, she became confident in her work and became a leader. No matter the line of work in the yard, she embraces all shipbuilders and helps wherever she can for a common goal. 


“When it's all said and done, we rely on each other in order to produce these vessels,” said Joyce. “It’s up to us to come together and build these ships for those who protect us.”


Because of her family lineage, shipbuilding flows through Joyce’s veins. Generations of her family know what it takes to be an Ingalls shipbuilder. And when she walks through the gates, Joyce thinks about the 85-year legacy and how it’s driving her to fulfill her own purpose. 


“All of our meals, clothes and lifestyle have been made possible by Ingalls,” said Joyce. “As the baby girl of the family, I take that into consideration when I walk through the gates. And at the end of the day when I punch out, I leave knowing I did all I could to honor my family, past and present shipbuilders, and our customers.”