Weather Alert - January 12, 2024

Written on 01/12/2024
Ingalls Communications

Ingalls Shipbuilding is monitoring the potential freezing weather expected next week and will provide updates as available.
According to multiple sources, one way to ensure you and your loved ones remain safe during freezing weather is by following the “Four Ps”:
PEOPLE: Make sure you and your loved ones have a safe and warm place to stay before the temperatures drop. 
PETS:  Animals get cold too. Be sure to bring them inside at night to keep them warm and safe.
PIPES: Cover exposed pipes to prevent freezing and breaks. Leave your water faucets running at a drip’s pace to help prevent your pipes from freezing. 
PLANTS: Either cover plants to keep them warm at night or bring them inside. 
For up-to-date weather information and resources, follow local news media. For the latest Ingalls information, please ensure you are subscribe to IngallsConnect Text (text 123-Ingalls to 38671) and download the IngallsConnect App on the App Store or Google Play.