MS Department of Health- Addressing Common Myths

Written on 09/08/2021
Ingalls Communications

From Mississippi Department of Health - Addressing Common Myths:

  • COVID vaccines do not cause infertility. In fact, COVID itself has been shown to be harmful for both male and female reproductive health.
  • COVID vaccines are extremely safe. COVID has killed over 7,500 Mississippians but there have been zero confirmed deaths from the vaccine.
  • COVID vaccines do not contain chips, metal or cells.
  • The COVID vaccines are some of the best studied vaccines in history and are not “experimental.” COVID vaccines are currently authorized by the FDA and the Pfizer vaccine is now fully approved. 
  • The Pfizer vaccine has rarely been associated with myocarditis, especially in young males. This is a transient inflammation of the heart muscle. Four cases have been identified in Mississippi, all with mild symptoms that resolved quickly.  The COVID virus causes myocarditis at a far higher rate than seen with the vaccine.