NSC 9 Stone delivered to U.S. Coast Guard

Written on 11/12/2020
Jaclyn Duhon

Custody of NSC 9 Stone (WMSL 758), shown during builder’s trials, was transferred from Ingalls to the U.S. Coast Guard after the service accepted delivery of its newest cutter. In December, the crew will take Stone to her homeport in Charleston, South Carolina

The U.S. Coast Guard took ownership of Ingalls’ ninth National Security Cutter, Stone (WMSL 758), Monday. “We could not be prouder to deliver our ninth National Security Cutter to the Coast Guard,” Ingalls Shipbuilding President Brian Cuccias said. “Ending the year with this significant achievement is a true testament to the perseverance of our shipbuilders. Stone is a powerful ship that will have great opportunities to demonstrate the value of its multi-mission capabilities for many years to come.”

 Jay Boyd, NSC program manager, represented the company during the ship’s transfer of custody to the Coast Guard. He said it’s a day his team has been anticipating. “We’re proud of the work that the men and women of Ingalls have accomplished,” Boyd said to his Coast Guard counterparts after the delivery. “And mostly we’re proud to turn over another great ship to the men and women of the Coast Guard so they can go forth and do great things.”