Liberal Leave has ended, but safety remains a priority!

Written on 05/25/2020
Michael Duhe

Now that the liberal leave period has ended, please know that safety remains a core company value at Ingalls Shipbuilding, and that we value our employees.

For your protection, the protection of your fellow shipbuilders and of customers, supplier reps and others entering the facility, Ingalls will continue the enhanced cleaning and disinfecting practices, temperature screening, on-site testing and other appropriate health and safety protocols to ensure we maintain a safe workplace. We will also continue to issue periodic reminders about maintaining social distancing, where possible, wearing protective coverings and masks, and individual responsibility of all employees and visitors to wash and sanitize hands and work spaces.

Active employees who consider filing for unemployment benefits should note that there are penalties prescribed by law for willful misrepresentations or omissions of facts. This means that employees are subject to criminal prosecution if they knowingly use false or inaccurate information to apply for or receive unemployment benefits to which they are not entitled.

Thanks for doing your part to keep our shipyard safe and healthy.  And remember – “What you do today matters!”

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