The Big Picture: Ingalls and Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (MGCCC) offer free courses to help shipbuilders enhance their skills and advance their careers.
Why It’s Important:
These courses offer every shipbuilder the opportunity to learn skills that can be valuable in their current roles by growing their abilities and providing them with more qualifications.
Key Dates:
Registration Opens: March 11
Classes Begin: April 9
Course Information:
- Non-credit courses free for all shipbuilders
- Classes vary in length from three to nine weeks
- Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- All classes will be held in the Maritime Training Academy after hours
Course Offerings:
- Access (Basic & Intermediate)
- Blueprint Reading
- ESL (English as 2nd Language)
- Excel (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
- Principles of Management
- Project Management
- Spanish 1 & 2
How to Register:
Contact: Sherry Joubert (228-935-4696) or Judy Jones at MGCCC (228-497-7666)