Ingalls Shipbuilding is known for its world-class shipbuilders, influenced by its world-class mentors. You can be part of the leadership legacy by serving as an On the Job Mentor (OJM)!
An OJM is a journeyman or woman, who have mastered their craft and have a passion for teaching others. They reguarly check in on the helper apprentices and regular apprentices in their respective areas to answer questions and teach skills needed to complete the job, and give insight on how to grow to become a journeyman.
This position is for Ingalls craft-represented employees only and is on an as needed basis. Individuals will be contacted as opportunities become available.
- Must be a current employee of Ingalls Shipbuilding.
- Minimum 2 years Journeyman (1st Class) experience required.
- No more than 2 instances of disciplinary action/attendance issues in the past 12 months.
- No Safety DANS.
- Must have a solid work ethic and a willingness to teach others.
To fill out the OJM interest form click here.