Inside Ingalls | Ingalls President Kari Wilkinson

Written on 06/20/2024
Ingalls Communications

No matter the role, the work of an Ingalls shipbuilder is both complex and inspiring. On the newest episode of the Inside Ingalls podcast, we sit down with Ingalls President Kari Wilkinson to talk about the culture at Ingalls, what makes Ingalls shipbuilders extraordinary and the global impact of the work we do. 

Over the years, Ingalls has continuously shaped and redefined culture, providing an environment where every shipbuilder is safe and has a place to belong. 

“Culture is whatever we want it to be. It’s how we define it for ourselves… The culture I see in the shipyard might be different from what somebody else sees because we have our own perspectives…,” said Kari. “Fundamentally, it comes down to what do we want it to be? And the foundation for that is going to be our company values.”

As we shape Ingalls into what we want to be now and in the future, it’s important to take a step back and remember just how awe-inspiring and unique our positions are as Ingalls shipbuilders.

“We take raw materials – a simple plate, raw pipe, cable, etc. – and our people, our shipbuilders, put that together and create things that go out and defend peace around the globe. That’s extraordinary,” said Kari. 

And it’s that extraordinary work that builds ships so they can maintain peace and safeguard seas throughout the world.

“From a personal standpoint, seeing our ships overseas doing the things they do makes me really think about the privileges and the blessings that are in my life and the things I want to protect. What we do here really does that on a global scale,” said Kari.

But it’s the personal connection to our mission and purpose and to each other that keeps Ingalls shipbuilders dedicated to building their own legacies.

“Whether it’s faith, whether it’s family or community, the purpose that we have here, the mission that we’re helping to enable and fulfill, those are really powerful things,” said Kari. “If you connect yourself to that, I think it’s also one of the things that allows shipbuilders to do the extraordinary things they do because it is about something bigger.”

Hear more from Kari on the newest episode of Inside Ingalls: