Inside Ingalls | Operations Resource Centers

Written on 05/30/2024
Ingalls Communications

No matter the role, the work of an Ingalls shipbuilder is both complex and inspiring. On the newest episode of the Inside Ingalls podcast, we sit down with Frank Benge, manager, Industrial Engineering, to talk about Operation Resource Centers (ORCs). 

With their bright colors and eye-catching designs, ORCs are located throughout the shipyard and are hard to miss. 

“ORCs are a resource for craft management to gain knowledge and get help, basically a help desk for craft management,” explained Frank. “We have a coordinator in one of four different areas in the shipyard… If we can answer the problem, we will. If not, we will track that problem all the way until resolution.”

ORCs can help even our most experienced shipbuilders with specific issues they face each day.

“We know we have more new foremen in the shipyard than ever before. We send them through a five-day training and then they go out into the yard. We realized that five days of training doesn’t tell you everything you need to know to be a good foreman. We want ORCs to be a resource to accelerate that learning curve.”

To listen to the full podcast and learn more about ORCs, click the link below:

Find help at one of the four ORCs located in the shipyard:

ORC Locations

  • North of Track 1 and South of CSA 3

  • River track between Machine shop and Wet Dock building

  • Track 6 at intersection of the river track

  • Track 3 at intersection of the east/west track