Scouting Success at Ingalls Shipbuilding

Written on 05/07/2024
Ingalls Communications

Ingalls knows how important it is to support what matters to our community, including the next generation of shipbuilders. 80 scouts and nearly 40 troop leaders attended the first-ever multi-badging day event. 


Shipbuilders volunteered their time, sharing wisdom and entertaining the curious scouts throughout the day. This event was a huge success, with 150 badges earned by scouts in attendance. 


This event allowed Ingalls to proudly show-off our talented shipbuilders and showcase their talents and volunteerism. 


If you would like to get involved with more volunteer efforts, please check the IngallsConnect App calendar. 


If you volunteer in the community, tell us all about it by clicking here! 


Report your volunteerism by filling out this form.