Setting goals helps us know where to focus, and when these goals are developed the right way, they can guide our day-to-day actions and behaviors so we can ultimately achieve our objectives. Remember, your well-being is critical for your own quality of life and linked to the well-being of your team.
Here are three steps from the Ingalls Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) team to help you set goals specifically around your well-being that will actually move the needle:
Identify the areas that you'd like to work on.
Set big picture goals that will help you progress in the identified areas.
Break down these long-term goals into specific actions you can incorporate into your routine on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Here are some examples:
Wanting to feel more energized during the day, set long-term goals to improve your sleep routine, physical activity, and diet.
Aim to go to bed one hour earlier each night and take a 30-minute walk on your lunch break at least three times a week.
Read or listen to one book a week
Attend at least one yoga class a week
Cook dinner at least three times a week
Go on a date or outing at least one time a week.
Experience one learning adventure a week such as visiting a museum.
Attend one monthly dinner club with friends.
While we should all strive to have good customer service and high levels of responsivity, being accessible by anyone at any time of the day can make it difficult to set work-life boundaries. Establishing boundaries may be difficult, but it's an important first step toward improving your well-being, and your healthy attitude towards balancing your personal and professional life will surely rub off on your fellow shipbuilders with far-reaching benefits for your team and your department.
For more ways you can help create a healthier you, visit