As shipbuilders, we strive to protect our people, ships and facilities. We achieve this by taking care of ourselves and safeguarding the materials we use every day to support our mission. Zero Damages means we treat each other with the utmost care, as well as our tools, equipment and materials.

Shipbuilders in the Pipe department understand the importance of care & protection in the shipyard. Caring for materials not only represents the hard work and craftsmanship of our team but also ensures the safety and reliability of our ships.


We caught up with the Pipe department to talk more about how they ensure Zero Damages

What comes to mind when you think about Care & Protection?

 “It means we're able to get our jobs done without damaging our equipment. Damaged materials prevent us from doing that. Being able to put that equipment to use, finish our jobs and make sure the ships leave here in great condition all falls in line with care and protection.” - Tom Casey, Director, Pipe


What are the best practices your department uses to take care of and protect equipment? 

“Our department uses caps and double tape on all piping. We return any protective covering removed for pipe installation back to its original locations. Providing protective covers on all air stations and using fire cloths are other ways we care and protect our equipment in the shipyard.” - Jeffrey Roberts, Pipe General Superintendent 


What are some ways your team has shared the importance of Zero Damages?

We share how care & protection can affect our production schedule and timelines. Our department supports zero damages through weekly, monthly and quarterly alerts and training.” - Doug Butler, Pipe General Superintendent 


How does it feel knowing the pipe department takes pride in handling materials and equipment in the shipyard?

“It’s great knowing we all play a role in sharing the message not just with our department, but with the entire shipyard. Everybody is holding each other accountable. Communication is key, and a relentless follow-up process is necessary in order to remain successful.” - Mike Best, Administration Manager, Pipe

Zero Fires. Zero Injuries. Zero Damages. Zero Compromise.

Keep up the great work, Pipe team!

Care & Protection of materials make a difference for you, your fellow shipbuilders and our service members. It's how we show pride and respect for the work that we do, as well as for those who will sail aboard our vessels to keep us safe.

This quarter, bright yellow signs throughout the shipyard serve as a constant reminder of our goal to achieve Zero Damages. Know your equipment, follow safety protocols and hold each other accountable to help us achieve this goal. Let’s come together as a team and Zero In on safety because it’s a promise we make to ourselves, our shipmates and our families.