Paying It Forward | Premo Sabbatini, Vice President, Central Planning & Process Excellence

Written on 12/14/2023
Ingalls Communications

Growing up in a lower middle class household in Biloxi, Premo Sabbatini, Vice President, Central Planning & Process Excellence, comes from what he describes as humble beginnings. Throughout his life, Sabbatini has made a commitment to always find a way to give back to his community. 

“So many great people and organizations have played a role in my life,” said Sabbatini. “All of my years working at the shipyard has put me in a position to help others and provide people with the same opportunities.” 

For more than 37 years, Sabbatini has dedicated his life to Ingalls. However, he understands his success allows him to have a heavy hand in volunteerism across the Gulf Coast. He loves to invest in the community that supported him since the very beginning.

Sabbatini dedicates his time to several organizations and utilizes his leadership skills to help lead the way. From chairing the American Heart Association’s Jackson County Heart Walk to serving on the executive leadership team for the American Cancer Society’s Breast Cancer Awareness Team, Sabbatini champions causes that hold significant meanings to him.

Having suffered from heart issues, Sabbatini has a personal connection to the American Heart Association (AHA). However, his support doesn’t stop there. Raising awareness and serving as Chairman of the Jackson County Heart Walk showcases his appreciation for the organization for saving lives, including his own. 

“In 2005, I discovered I have coronary artery disease,” said Sabbatini. “The AHA played a huge role in developing the two stents used in my own procedure.”
Sabbatini will always be grateful for the American Cancer Society (ACS) for their contributions in saving his wife’s life.
“I am proud to say she is a breast cancer survivor thanks to the research by the ACS,” said Sabbatini. “As a result, I will always do what I can to support that organization.” 

In addition to his work with these organizations, Sabbatini volunteers his time to give back to the next generation of shipbuilders as a volunteer with United Way Old Hickory Giving and on the advisory board for the University of Mississippi’s Center of Manufacturing Excellence. He also frequently supports external engagement by speaking with high school students, parents and career technical instructors about shipbuilding.

All of the organizations are near and dear to his heart. Sabbatini grew up with learning disabilities from elementary through junior high school. He was able to overcome adversity and pursue a successful career at Ingalls. Now, he tells his story to inspire the future shipbuilders. 

“I get a lot of enjoyment talking to students in the CTE programs and working with career counselors at the local high schools,” said Sabbatini. “It gives me fulfillment to change a kid’s life by starting a career here.”

Sabbatini appreciates his team and everyone who volunteers in the local areas. Being engaged and being a part of something bigger than yourself goes a long way in making a difference. 

“I truly believe the more we can do, whether it’s financial or volunteering, supporting the organizations who make our community a better place, makes the shipyard a better place.”