Consistent with applicable guidelines and availability, Singing River Health System will administer vaccines on-site, to all Ingalls employees, contractors and U.S. Navy & Coast Guard customers. The vaccines will be administered on Friday, May 14, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Ingalls Fire Station.

What to expect?

  • Employees will need to provide name, badge number, mobile number, preferred vaccine time.
  • Contractors and U.S. Navy & Coast Guard customers will provide name, mobile number, and preferred vaccine time.

Once the form is submitted, Ingalls medical will provide the information to SRHS.

Singing River will not send a confirmation. Please arrive at your selected time on the registration form.

Vaccination appointments are non-chargeable. Management-approved FLEX, PTO or vacation are required during the entire vaccination process if occurring during your scheduled work hours. 

Sign up now:

No medical information is collected or stored by Ingalls.